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VERY Black Hat AdSense and Google Trends Method

It seems that more and more often people are dropping AdSense a revenue stream do to ever decreasing ad clicks and the fact that traffic is just worth more through affiliate sales or CPA offers. With every intention of being banned from AdSense and just playing around before dropping them completely I started a VERY black hat AdSense campaign which, my to my initial surprise, is still going strong 5 months later and getting me a paid a ton!
I will not lie; this is very against AdSense ToS so you do risk being banned. All that I can say is that I have not gotten banned and I get paid. If you are a bit faint of heart or perhaps using your AdSense account for white hat things and do not want to risk it that is 100% fine just check out other programs, who do not care so much about quality for their advertisers and do NO manual checking. These networks include: ... Read more on this report.